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Although it sounds easy, sapphire can be very hard to work with. It is both hard and brittle (i.e. It is susceptible to breaking. How can one make something so small from this material? Arbona explains that although saphire is a very hard material, its mechanical properties are greatly affected by the way it is cut and processed.omega replica watches To ensure the highest shock resistance, the complex volumes of the dragon and its intricate curves were carefully studied.

"We used computer simulations to predict where breakage could occur after extreme shocks. This was done to eliminate any chance of it happening. We knew that the sapphire dragon would be laser-machined to a perfect structural design before we started.

Arbona and his colleagues did extensive research to determine the best way to craft something so small from sapphire. They also identified and eliminated points of failure and made sure that the final micro-sculpture would not be affected by any accidental trauma to the watch.

Arbona continues, "We actually start from a block of sapphire created using the Kyropoulos method." It is obvious that the dragon is made from a single, solid piece. However,omega replica watches the rest of our manufacturing process information is proprietary.

The dragon is then ready for polishing. This is a new hand-polishing technique that enhances the sapphire's transparency. Arbona says that Olivier Vaucher's workshop developed this polishing technique. It is the result the renowned engraver has. "Sapphire is an extremely hard, one-step below diamond in the hardness scale. Therefore, traditional polishing methods are not possible to achieve a result that meets our requirements for RM 57-3.